
Sangpo made an amazing transformation from a miserable, lifeless dog, curled up waiting to die, to a bouncy dog with a zest of life. In June 2017, Kate was called to see Sangpo by a local woman in Ramhiti, who had tried, unsuccessfully, to get other dog charities to come. Kate made an on-the-spot decision to take him in, rather than let him die on the streets. Sangpo was malnourished and had huge, crusty, circular lesions on his back. At the clinic, he was also diagnosed with tick-borne Erlichia cannis infection. The lesions healed and most of his fur grew back, although some scarring remains. With treatment and good feeding, Sangpo regained his bounce. Probably an abandoned but previously owned dog, he turned out to be affectionate, friendly and lovable – good with people and other dogs. Sangpo is occasionally prone to eye infections. Last year, when Michelle the vet from HART-UK, was checking all the dogs, she diagnosed Sangpo’s eye condition as Entropion – inward turning eyelid. Sangpo has now undergone two surgeries. Sadly, Sangpo, was euthanised in February 2022 following severe kidney failure that did not respond to treatment.

Sangpo when rescued
October 2017