How You Can Help

Adopt or Foster a Dog
When dogs recover, some can go back to their neighborhoods, however, others are in need of homes. Adopting a dog requires commitment, love and care for the life of the dog. Contact us to find out about dogs for adoption. We can also arrange for international adoptions. Fostering a dog is also possible. This means taking a dog home for several months to care for it. This is especially applicable to puppies undergoing their vaccination program.

Sponsor A Dog
At the moment, we provide ongoing care to approximately 100 dogs, who live full-time in the centre. About half of these dogs are sponsored by kind individuals or groups, who provide US$20 per month (payable monthly or annually) to cover the cost of one dog's food, basic care and annual vaccinations. The cost is slightly higher for sick dogs. Sponsorship enables a sponsor to get to know a dog and to follow its progress through receiving regular reports (with actual costs for treatment, where appropriate) and photos. If you see a dog that speaks to your heart, please contact us with your choice of sponsored dog, so that we can send you more information on your dog and help you to arrange sponsorship payments.

Volunteers And Visitors
We welcome visitors to come and see what we do and to hopefully spread the word about the needs of CDWC and Nepali dogs in general. Please contact us to arrange a visit to our centre.
We take in volunteers who have the relevant interests and skills to meet CDWC’s current needs. (Spending time petting, grooming and loving our well dogs, who crave the human attention that we cannot give because of the workload with sick and new dogs. Walking suitable dogs in the fields near the centre. Assisting with simple treatment, such as application of topical medicines, bathing, and dressings. Helping take dogs to the vet. And basically loving and being loved by our canine family at the shelter. Assist with some social media work.)
CDWC can assist with finding both short-term guesthouse accommodation and longer term apartment accommodation near the centre. Please contact us at least one month in advance if you wish to volunteer with CDWC.

Community Dog Welfare Centre is run by the voluntary efforts of Kate and Doug Clendon. We appreciate the help of local and international donors who can provide support whether financial or food, equipment and medical supplies. The list below gives an indication of how your financial contribution can help.
- US$ 10 covers the cost of vaccination against distemper, hepatitis, parvo-virus, leptospirosis and para-influenza
- US$ 20 feeds a dog for one month
- US$ 30 pays for neutering a dog
Donations go directly to the dogs, with no overheads or extras.
Because of the lower cost of living in Nepal, even a small amount can go a long way to improving a dog’s life. Please make donations through PayPal by clicking the DONATE button below or directly to: on the PayPal main page. If you mark the donation as a gift to family or friends, we will not be charged PayPal fees.
Please note that our account with PayPal is in New Zealand dollars – you may be asked to make payment in NZ dollars. Exchange rate is about US$1 = NZ$1.45, so US$20 = NZ$29.
We can also accept internet banking payments in Australia, New Zealand and the UK. Please contact us for details.
Do also take a look at TransferWise if you are sending money – this is a very low cost method of sending money. We can accept TransferWise payments into our New Zealand bank account – ask for account details if you wish to use this process.
To donate in Nepal, please use the QR Code below…

From time to time, CDWC runs fund-raising campaigns for specific projects.
- Medical Contingency Fund
CDWC has recently launched a contingency fund so that money is always readily available to cover the following:
-Rescuing vulnerable (abandoned, injured, abused, and sick) dogs from local streets.
-Initial veterinarian costs for checking, diagnosing and treating newly rescued dogs.
-Treatment of Canine Transmissible Venereal Tumour (CTVT), which is an aggressive, highly contagious form of cancer that is prevalent in the street dog population of Kathmandu.
-Emergency medical treatment that may be required for longer term dogs in shelter care.
-Sterilizing rescued dogs and community dogs.
For more information and to donate, please visit the fund-raising campaign at:
If you wish to donate please use the link below.
Please make your donation as a gift to family and friends to save us paying PayPal fees! Payments should be made to: Thank you.
We can also accept internet banking payments in Australia, New Zealand and the UK. Donations can also be sent by TransferWise – a low cost method. Please contact us for bank account details.